We are excited to announce that a generous donor has requested a matching drive for Endangered Species International (ESI). This means that every donation to ESI from November 15 to December 31, 2022 will be doubled up to $30,000. If you are concerned with maximizing your donation, now is the perfect time to support our work for animals and wilderness.
Any donation you make at this time until December 31, 2022 will be doubled. New recurrent donors will have their donations tripled on their first month! So please consider supporting Endangered Species International on a recurrent/monthly basis.
Why support us?
Do we want a world without corals? A world without gorillas and elephants? A silent world without the sounds of insects? A world with no natural surprises and wonders? A world without rainforest and indigenous tribes?
Wildlife populations have plummet by 69 percent. Until now, humans have transformed more than three-quarters of the Earth. At least one million species are at risk of going extinct. At least 21 percent of the net global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with land-use change.
We must safeguard nature’s last remaining most wild landscapes and seascapes, which provide habitat for half the biodiversity on our planet, host the world’s largest wildlife aggregations, and are essential to our own well-being.
Endangered Species International is one the most high-impact, cost-effective, evidence-based environmental and animal organizations. Given the multitude and urgency of threats that wild flora and fauna face, the stakes of our conservation initiatives have never been higher.

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