It is clear since the inception of Endangered Species International (ESI) that increased field efforts, addressing the needs of local communities, and novel, interdisciplinary approaches are urgent to reverse species’ declines and achieve success in wildlife conservation. Over the last 15 years, ESI has been addressing the needs of local communities and integrated them into our wildlife and habitat conservation work. As a result, we achieved many long-tern conservation successes for endangered species and their wild places. Our gorilla and rainforest conservation project in the Republic of Congo is one example of making astonishing progress.
To determine the effectiveness of our conservation strategies and progress, not only we monitor biological variables, such as population size of gorillas and levels of illegal hunting and logging activities, but also, we examine changes in attitudes and behavior of local community members.
As a result, local community members do no longer hunt for Great Apes within our vast project site in Congo. Local communities are becoming the protectors of endangered species and rainforest throughout employment and the development of alternative livelihood developed by ESI. Prior our project, some locals viewed gorillas as dangerous animals. However, employment and conservation awareness lead to viewing conservation and gorillas more positively, and in many cases, viewing the gorillas as kin. We also observed behavior change related to hunting and bushmeat consumption.

Photos: ESI staff protecting rainforest and endangered animals in Congo.
We must continue and expand our holistic conservation efforts in Africa because many areas are under immense threats from logging, illegal bushmeat hunting, and mining. Poaching, mining, and deforestation continue unabated in some areas due to a lack of law enforcement, conservation awareness, forest patrols, and land conservation.

Photos: ESI staff at work to protect rainforest with local communities.
With your generous help, we will:
Survey and monitor wild gorilla populations at new critical sites;
Directly patrol critical rainforest sites to stop all efforts to illegally hunt endangered animals, with focus on gorillas, chimpanzees and forest elephants;
Increase vital conservation awareness and educational programs in local communities and schools where gorillas are found. We build care through consciousness and understanding of great ape conservation including in the most remote areas;
Support alternative livelihood opportunities for local communities that directly contribute to the protection of gorillas and the surrounding rainforest;
Protect and restore wild habitats (rainforest) for endangered gorillas and other wildlife. ESI is currently working on protecting 240,000 acres of amazing rainforest and wetland in western Africa;
Mediate in the field human–wildlife interactions so animals and human can cohabit peacefully.
There is strength in numbers, and every informed voice counts. Join us today to save and protect wild gorillas and rainforest.
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Endangered Species International is a U.S.-based, international organization, and a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your donations are tax deductible under U.S. laws.