Our unique Congolese team is conducting a brilliant and difficult project designed to save remaining wild gorillas. Endangered Species International is committed to protecting endangered species and the places they need to survive. We are undeterred by the harsh conditions we face in our important field work. Below are concrete examples of what we have done in the last few months for endangered Great Apes in Congo despite facing obstacles such as malaria, heavy rains, interminable hikes and guerilla conflicts.
As of January 2013, we covered 36 km of dense remote rainforest (60 percent of the total survey area) in remote part of Congo. 541 GPS points collected.
Our field team observed and recorded 72 gorilla nests and 38 chimpanzee nests.
Our field team observed 221 signs of Great Apes along transect lines.
We gained full support from Congolese hunters to stop poaching gorillas in the Loaka region. Local hunters have also joined the Cooperative for Gorilla Conservation.
No gorillas have been poached from September 2012 to January 2013 in the project area. This is great news because gorillas have been continually hunted for their meat in the last few years.
We mapped and characterized hunting areas to conduct future monitoring and patrol activities to stop the killing of endangered species.
We found endangered and protected species in the project area including the blue duiker that is fully protected by Congolese laws.
We conducted conservation awareness at schools and villages about preserving Great Apes and biodiversity in the project area.
Project site is located deep in the rainforest of Congo. The red line reprensents the area of our surveys and conservation activties to stop the killing of wild gorillas and other endangered species.
Locations of gorilla and chimpanzee signs observed along transect lines.
Locations of gorilla and chimpenzee nests along tansect lines.
Dots show locations of hunting activities within project area.
Red dots shows locations of gorilla nests. Gorillas are only found in dark areas representing rainforest. Protecting rainforest is therefore essential to the survival of Great Apes.
 Chimpanzee nest observed along transect lines. © Endangered Species International
 ESI conducting surveys for endangered gorillas. © Endangered Species International
Gorillas hunted in 2009 in project area. © Endangered Species International
Bushmeat trade from project area. © Endangered Species International