Rainforests nurture hundreds of thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth and provide life's essentials such as our medicines, food and water. Endangered Species International (ESI) is working harmoniously with local and indigenous communities to protect and restore rainforests.
Last month we planted more than 20,000 indigenous trees to restore rainforests and mangrove forests. All trees are carefully monitored to ensure growthsuccess. In some instances,we have to enrich top soil prior to planting activities due to past rampant erosion. Restoring rainforest takes a lot of time and efforts at many levels to ensure success.
Over half the world’s mangrove forests have been lost over the last 50 years in large due to commercial enterprises such as aquaculture (mostly shrimp farming), salinity chnages, and coastal development. Mangroves are known as biodiversity hot spots providing a home for many species including fish, birds, reptiles, insects and many endangered speciessuch as the Mroboscis Monkey andthe diamondback terrapin. ESI has been actively involved in restoring mangrove forests since 2007 and has already successfully planted thousands of trees transforming bare shorelines into beautiful forests.
ESI has been working closer to smallholder properties since they account for a rising proportion of overall deforestation like in Brazilian Amazon and some parts of Southeast Asia. Further reductions in deforestation are challenging because deforestation is happening in more, smaller, and remoter areas and is therefore harder to detect and more expensive to control. That’s why ESI is working closely in the field with occupants to restore and protect.
With your support, ESI is proud to have brought back successfully rainforests and mangrove forests in many parts of the world; however, our work needs your help to keep achieving remarkable changes for a better planet. Join us!
 Mangrove forest protected by ESI.© Endangered Species International
 ESI planting mangrove trees to bring back forest. © Endangered Species International
 Rainforest site restored by ESI © Endangered Species International