The sixth mass extinction is taking place at an unprecedented speed. But it’s not too late to avoid the worst. Scientific research clearly shows that both common and rare species and billions of regional or local plant and animal populations have been lost. Globally, up to 50% of all individual animals have been lost in recent decades. Regarding land mammals, almost half of these have lost 80% of their range in the last century. The scientists found billions of populations of fish, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have been lost all over the planet.
One of the most pressing and vital threat to all life on earth is the rampant disappearance of natural space (natural habitat) for plants and animals to simply live. “The destruction of natural space for life is the most dramatic issue of our time, and the least addressed by our societies” said Pierre Fidenci, Founder of Endangered Species International (ESI).

Photo on the left: Pangolins have seen their populations collapsed globally.
Photo on the right: Numbers of critically endangered amphibian species have increased worldwide in last decades.
Photo: Pierre Fidenci
Anthropogenic population extinctions amount to a massive erosion of the greatest biological diversity in the history of Earth. Population extinctions today are orders of magnitude more frequent than species extinctions. Population extinctions, however, are a prelude to species extinctions, so Earth’s sixth mass extinction episode has proceeded further than most assume.
Species extinctions are obviously very important in the long run, because such losses are irreversible and may have profound effects ranging from the depletion of Earth’s inspirational and esthetic resources to deterioration of ecosystem function and services. Habitat protection anywhere benefits life everywhere and give countless benefits to humans.
50% of the number of animal individuals that once shared Earth with us
are already gone.
We need to drastically protect nature. On average, ESI protects directly 2.5 acres (1 hectare) of natural habitat (rainforest, ocean, or wetland) for just $500 and saving countless plants and animals. ESI is at the forefront of the global fight to save species from extinction and protect nature. We need you to join us to reverse the catastrophic declines we are seeing.
Action now
The sixth mass extinction is already here and the window for effective action is very short, probably two or three decades at most. ESI past accomplishments, current field conservation activities around the globe, and upcoming ones will make a considerable impact in the decade to come. Your support is more important than ever. Together, we can turn the tide and keep saving space for life and biodiversity by restoring and saving animal populations, species on the brink, and millions of acres of rainforest and ocean. Join us.