Humans have altered large areas of the Earth surface. By the beginning of the 21st century, 75% of the Earth ice-free land had been modified by humans in some degree. Around two-third of these human-altered areas have been subject to the complete conversion of previously existing native vegetation. Between 2000 and 2015, global rates of deforestation of native forests ranged between 5,770 and 10,483 million ha/year, leading to a global loss of 124.8 million ha of native forests during this period, an area roughly twice the size of France.
As a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, one million species are at risk of extinction this century, each unique and irreplaceable. Habitat loss poses arguably the greatest threat to the world’s biodiversity. Our impact on the planet has never been greater, and human activity has become the dominant influence on our natural world and climate. We are inflicting unprecedented changes on the natural habitats on which wildlife depends, through deforestation and destructive fishing, massive pollution, the burning of fossil fuels, industrial-scale mining activities and land-use changes for agricultural expansion.
Endangered Species International (ESI) is part of a global network that brings the conservation community together in support of building momentum towards the global goal of conserving at least 30 percent of the ocean and 30 percent of land by 2030. From rainforests to reefs, ESI works to protect these places. Protected areas are a critical tool for maintaining habitat integrity and species diversity, and now cover more than 12 % of the planet’s land surface area.
We will not rest until we have achieved the following goals:
To protect and restore coastlines to achieve a net increase in global mangrove coverage by 20%;
To double the amount of protected ocean (equivalent to protecting 5% of the world’s oceans) by 2025;
To double the amount of rainforest protected;
To double the protection of other critical habitats around the globe (e.g., wetlands, rivers).
Protecting critical habitats will be crucial if we are to save species like the western gorilla and all those who share their beautiful ecosystems, but we can’t do it without your help. As a charity, we depend on your generous support to ensure that we can tackle the threats to our natural world.
Even if you live hundreds of miles from shore, you need a healthy ocean. Even if you live hundreds of miles from rainforest, you need a healthy rainforest. We all do. Join the thousands of people like you who are making waves by supporting our work to double our habitat protection before the end of the year. Please support us today.
