Nearly 3,000 chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos and orangutans are illegally killed or stolen from the wild each year, according to the United Nations Environmental Programme's (UNEP) Great Apes Survival Partnership (GASP). Great ape poaching, which supplies growing urban and rural bushmeat markets, is now at crisis levels across Central Africa. Vast networks of logging roads, modern weapons, cell phones, cheap motorized transportation, and high demand for wild meat in urban centers are driving the booming bushmeat market.
In some Congolese cultures, the killing and eating of Great Apes including endangered gorilla and chimpanzee has increased dramatically in recent years. One of our strategy to stop the illegal poaching of Great Apes focuses on behavioral change at both individual and community levels. Our efforts target the local communities living in the rainforest of Congo who are the main illegal hunters of endangered species for urban centers. Active outreach to local communities and adapted educational programs for children and adults, teaching the value of great apes, are essential to save gorilla and chimpanzee.
Our past project's efforts have focused on 24 villages in the southeastern Republic of Congo in a large critical area for gorilla and chimpanzee protection. There, we have achieved an impressive zero Great Apes poached over the last five years through in part by changing the perception of primates and nurturing love and compassion for them. Throughout on the ground activities, we brought back the ancient and dormant respect for Great Apes. Our conservation impact is seen as major conservation step in the region, and we are thrilled to expend it to many other areas of Congo where Great Apes keeps being poached. ESI stunning achievements are only possible because of your support. With your support, we can protect many other gorillas and chimpanzees in other critical areas, so one day, all Congo will embrace Great Apes conservation.
To stop the killing of Great Apes, we will continue to raise conservation awareness and love for Great Apes at additional 60 local villages in Congo. Local communities will learn also the dangers of eating bushmeat (e.g., Ebola virus disease) and the need to protect gorilla and chimpanzee. In addition, we will train local wildlife authorities in modern methods of antipoaching.
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About us
Endangered Species International (ESI) is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, saving endangered animals, and preserving wild places! ESI uses less than 2% of its budget for management and operations. ESI won multiple Top-Rated Awards from GreatNonprofits and has reached the Platinum participation level through the GuideStar Exchange.

Photos. ESI spreading the love and respect for all Great Apes in Congo making long-term positive impacts for the protection of wild gorillas and chimpanzees.

Photos. We protect not only amazing species like gorilla, but also safeguard rainforest with stunning biodiversity.